
Mother, wife, sister, daughter

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Um back?

Hola, hola....
 Thats right, I am back. I think. Just letting everyone know. All four of you that read this that is. :)

Ok, maybe there's a few more than four. Though you'd never know it for the amount of comments that get posted.

Just kidding!

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

The beauty in change

You spin me right around...

I look at the date today and see just how close it is to April and I get a little twist in my heart. April means spring really comes, some nice warm days, grass trys to grow and my mountains make my heart soar with their spring colors topped by just a little snow. April means I am one month closer to meeting my newest child and I get to go visit my family whom I miss dearly. April means... Sterling goes to be with his daddy.

The way that our visitation is set up means that my lil man lives with daddy for three months and then mommy for three months... at least till school starts. So I have had my buddy living here since January and I know that his other family is missing him like crazy, but that doesn't change how much I don't want him to leave!

I don't know how to explain my love for my kids, and I don't think many people can. The love I have for my guy though... I just have to say wow! I don't what it is about my boy that just turns me to jelly, his little arms have always felt like heaven to me. His little face with the cheekbones and 'squishies' that I gave him, I could kiss it all day! His way of loving his momma is different than the way my girls do it, just like the way I love him is different than the way I love my girls.

It's a different bond and it seriously has only gotten better as he's gotten older... I don't know how long little boys will stay open and sweet to their mommas before its 'not cool' but I know that nothing and no one will ever change the bond I have with him.  No matter how old he gets his eyes will always melt me, and his sweet laugh and smile, with his one squinty eye will always make me smile and my arms will always long to hug and hold him!

He tells me stories about things that are in no way real and I love his imagination.
He tells me how his 'heart really wants' something, and I feel like I would move the earth to get it.
He says, "Mom, I just love you."

And Buddy, I just love you too!

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Open mouth, insert...?

I am controversial

No, seriously... I am! All you have to do is look at Facebook and the highly posted upon question my friend postured and you will see!

I inflame passions of mothers everywhere by the simple words from my fingertips. Such power!

Am I bothered that a whole lotta women devoured me and one actually told me I am an abusive mother? Hmmm.... nope, not really. Because I think sitting on your child is abusive and that is, for some unknown reason, a totally acceptable punishment!

So, here's what happened... I told a friend that the way I cured my kiddos of biting was by biting them back.  Now, granted her son is pretty little and is teething and really not doing it on purpose, so it probably doesn't apply to her situation but holy cow did I wake the momma force!

So let's say you burned dinner so your husband burned your hand on the stove to teach you a lesson. Would that be okay? lol
Seriously? Umm, is this the same conversation? I hear that people disagree and I'm fine with that... but the vast difference in biting someone and burning their supper I totally don't understand.

First off, when a child bites there's reasons for it, such as... pain from teething, or anger. If you burn someone's food you either weren't paying attention, or, if you were doing it out of anger then the question comes in to say is it ok for your husband to burn your hand on the stove? Well, since I am talking about returning like with like, then... I guess, no... Because then he would have to burn my supper... its lessons being learned, not simple pain. If you are doing it for simple pain then its for the worng reason. For example... if I burned his hand on the stove on purpose, then YES... he would be justified in burning mine.

I am pretty sure I totally panicked and said nothing similar to this in the 'comment battle'... because I was too concerned that my friend now thought I was trying to convince her that chewing on your child is acceptable punishment... which I was not!

I guess that I have watched my kids grow, and my six younger sibilings, and my 8 nieces and nephews and I have seen all sorts of different parenting styles from friends etc. Some parents spank (yes, I am one of those if its needed) some put their kids onto a corner, some put their kids into a corner holding a stack of phone books, and some sit on their kids. Every single parent that does one of these, has a bad opinion and a reason why one of the others is 'wrong' or 'abusive'.

Maybe the problems are in the fact that we believe one is 'wrong' or 'abusive'. I know that there are lots of crazy people out there who do crazy and horrid things to their children, but I have to believe that, for the most part, people who care enough to make a comment about another's preference actually care about their children. And if you love your kids as much as I love mine, well then, there shouldn't be any hard feelings between us, regardless of how I grow my babies!

Its so easy to think we are 'right'... but I know from personal experience that not a single one of my kids is the exact same as the others. So why do we assume that someone else's kids are exactly the same as ours? What works for one child or family, may not work for another... but I see no problem in hearing what another mother has to say in regards to 'what would you do in this situation?'

Would I call another mother abusive? I guess if I felt strongly enough I might, but I am pretty sure that I would make sure that mother is abusive before tossing out accusations like that! I laughed... seriously LAUGHED at it because the very idea that I would do anything 'abusive' to my children is insane!

My children are grown with love, and I've bitten a finger when it needed to be, and I've spanked a butt when it needed to be, and I have put kiddos in 'timeout' when they needed to be, and I give my kids naps when they need them. But I have never, and will never abuse my children... I will never beat them, I will never cut them, I will never do a thing to one of them that can be construed as 'cruel and abusive'.

But... then again, maybe naps are considered abusive by some too?

Friday, March 25, 2011

Chocolate bath

Chocolate is from heaven. God gave us chocolate so we could see what heaven is like Period

I went to the commissary yesterday and they had GIANT chocolate bars for $1. Really. Like the HUGE Hersheys bars. I bought 3. And no... they are not gone, yet. :)

I have discovered that while I like sweets, I actually prefer dark chocolate that isn't really that sweet. I don't mind unsweetened chocolate even, that's how much I enjoy it.

My hubby doesn't like it, which makes me perfectly happy because then its ALL MINE! *Insert evil crazy person laugh here*

At any rate, I watched a show the other day where there was a spa that does chocolate baths. I couldn't even believe my eyes! How amazing would a chocolate bath be? I think the scent alone would be very relaxing. So I thought about trying to come up with a way to create my own choco bath... the problem is, I am not sure what kind of chocolate to use?

I think that dark chocolate powder might work just fine, but I am not sure how my hubby will react to coming upstairs to find me laying in a tub full of brown goo. lol!

Well, I think I might have to try it anyway, just because!

Nesting or Resting?

I am at that point in my pregnancy where nesting begins to kick in, not the hardcore nesting like right before you go into labor but the 'lets get the house ready and clean and purty' stage.

That means that I am washing the sofa and, if this is possible, OVERwashing the counters. I am actually washing laundry every day and have almost finished the dining set I am painting. I notice that I HAVE baseboards but those are so low that I just keep staring at them. I don't understand why they aren't clean yet, they shouldn't even have paint anymore, let alone DIRT on them from the looks they are getting from me!

I paper covered jars in coordinating colors so that I have some sort of desk organization going, and I'm not even gonna talk about the amount of toys and bedding, clothing etc I have gone through in the last two weeks. (I cannot wait for this upcoming sale to get it outta the house FOREVER!)

I've seriously considered getting rid of every single box that is not fully unpacked yet (without looking to see whats inside) but I just can't quite bring myself to go that far! ;)  I've got list upon list of what needs to come next and all the things I need to finish before baby comes.

The only downside to this 'nesting' stage is...

I am so tired! Its a really weird feeling to want to clean toilets at the same time as you can hardly keep your eyes open! Talk about dangerous, sleeping while scrubbing... I dunno. Then you add in the "pregnancy brain"
and it all goes downhill from there.

I really try, I work on things slowly and try to just a few things done, but the result generally ends up being less than satisfactory.
I can handle the regular sweep, mop and do dishes, but the good stuff like, ooh, I dunno... wash between the washer and dryer and organize the laundry room shelves, well those... I get about 4 minutes into it and suddenly realize that I am staring blankly at the same spot and am half asleep!

Whew... at this rate, my laundry room will be clean in about 2 weeks and between the washer and dryer??? Well, that will be about one week before never!

So, that being said... dont you think it might help if I laid down for say, a nap? Yeah, it would help if I could fall asleep! *or if Skylar agreed with me about naptime and SHE slept*
Seems like all I can do is lay in bed and make a list in my head about what needs done next!

Monday, March 21, 2011

Do What? Say what?

I have pregnancy brain

No really, this is an actual affliction. I am at the point in my pregnancy where remember what I was doing ten minutes ago is difficult, let alone all the zillion other things I have to do. I leave myself notes, or lists rather, all over the place.

Clean this and that
Wash that and the other thing
Call this person and that place
Go here and there
Remember your name

Seriously... the lists are LONG and most of them are about things that should be easy to recall. I am not a person who forgets things usually but lately... oh man!

Its like your brain has been removed and replaced by empty cells. You stare at the computer with fingers poised on the keyboard and the cursor blinking in the search box. Every time the dang thing blinks I think... "Now, what was I gonna look up?" Blink, blink, blink.... Forget it.
I get up go to do something obvious, like sweep because at least I can actually SEE the mess so once I have the broom in hand I should be ok to not forget what I am doing. Then, about halfway through sweeping, I go... "OH yeah, I was gonna look up those diapers!" Put the broom down and wander back to the computer.
REALLY stupid, because then I haven't finished sweeping and I look up the diaper only to get distracted by the kids and then I have no clue about the diaper nor do I have a clean floor. Uh duh?!

Maybe I should hire a maid....

As if I could afford a maid! How do people pay people to do what they are perfectly capable of doing themselves? ----Case in point---- So easily distracted.

Hopefully I can keep it together for the next few weeks unti this baby comes, but my poor family. My poor husband, he's likely to take a 'lunch' to work that consists of a half made sandwich and the dustpan!

More video of SkyAnna

Skylar meeting the cat.